Kazakhstan: An Idiots Guide
During our first week I’ve made a few overarching (uninformed) observations regarding this wondrous country. Most of theses observations are backed by nothing more than my own misguided conclusions based solely on my view from the passenger seat of a Passat wagon. With that qualifier out of the way, we may proceed.

4. Shopping and Markets: Most of the grocery shopping here is done at little corner markets. There is one or more on each block, and each time we go into one, there are people stocking up on god knows what. The stores are very small, some are just 8’x10’ rooms with shelves featuring one of everything. There are a few larger ones; the one we patronize regularly is called “Viola Market.” Surprisingly, even though they don’t stock much at these stores, they don’t re-stock much either. One would think that one would note that certain items are “hot movers” and one would want to make those “hot movers” available when other ones patronized said establishment. One would be wrong! If you see it, buy it or say “da svidanya.” It won’t be there tomorrow.
For things other than groceries there is a place called the Tsum (Zoom) Store; a makeshift mall made up of a colorful array of individual shoppes. With no apparent rhyme or reason to the layout and a host of surly merchants, this place can seem a bit daunting to the unseasoned adventurer. Remember, this is a different culture. In this former Soviet country, if a merchant doesn’t acknowledge your existence, it means “Thanks, come again” and if they smile at you and act nice, it means “Die you American scum.” Either way, we win. Now the Tsum store has it all, but keep in mind, they only have one of each, so when you see it, buy it.
While I’m sure there may be a few blurry hectares in my vision of Kazakhstan, you must trust that these four bullets pretty much cover my “knowledge” on the subject. Now you too can explore Kazakhstan with the confidence that comes only by having been informed by a seasoned observationist such as myself. Adventure awaits!