The last couple of days have been all about adjustment. It has been difficult for Mee and me to adjust to a twelve-hour time change but at least we’re able to comprehend exactly what’s going on and why we might feel tired at noon and wired at midnight. For Chloe, that is only one of the things that have changed in a life that until a week ago was the definition of routine, schedule, and consistency.

The most difficult thing for Chloe is that not sleeping enough makes her cranky, which in turn makes it hard for her to fall asleep. Other than the sleep issues, she’s adjusting to the house, having her own toys, and most importantly, having two cats very well.

This entry will pretty much wraps up our trip blog. We would like to thank everyone for reading along and sharing in our adventure. We plan to take these entries, photos. and all of your very kind and exceedingly clever and amusing comments and create a bound book for Chloe to enjoy as she grows older. I think it will be a nice documentation of her adventures in becoming a part of our family. For those who are interested, we will also try to post some updated photos occasionally if she ever lets us get some sleep. Hear that baby? Sleep! Please.