We’ve been home with our little peanut for about two months now and things are going great. The difficulty of the first couple of weeks (mainly sleeping issues) seems like a distant memory now. Chloe is transformed into quite a funny, amusing, and well natured little girl. Long gone are the crying fits after dinners and before naps/bed-time. Don’t get me wrong, she still has plenty of “spirit” and is not terribly fond of the car seat, but all in all she seems to be adapting very well and learning to roll with things.

Mee and I are still very impressed with Chloe’s appetite. She pretty much eats whatever is in front of her. Her preferences seem to range from “I like that” to “I really like that”. Her latest antic is making the cutest little pucker face before blowing a cheerio across the kitchen. I know we are not supposed to laugh at her when she does naughty things, but that cheerio really comes jetting out–it’s remarkable.

Lastly, the internet is truly an amazing thing. Another family, who also adopted from the same baby house as us, read our blog and thought they might have a picture of Chloe from their visits. This is form last June–when she was only four months old. I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful we are to get this piece of history that we never thought we would see. I can’t help but think of how many other photos of Chloe there might be floating around? Or maybe we have photos of another family’s new edition? We will see.