
This is a journal of Mee and Zac and our adventure starting our family.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

International Women’s Day

Chart our visits with Chloe Madina over the last four days, and what you will witness is a steady up-tick in baby comfort/fun/general good-babyness. Until today. Today the baby-am-happy market took a decided turn for the worse. We started fantastically; after getting settled in the music room Marina asked if we would like to feed Chloe (this particular baby house does not usually let adoptive parents feed, dress, or change their babies. Certain to ensure hilarity at the airport, as when you finally take the baby into your care for good, there are still all kinds of wonderful surprises.)

Feeding Chloe was very cool; this little girl is a great eater, maybe too great. In fact, the only real information we have gotten from her caregivers is that she likes to eat, she will eat most anything, and that usually one serving is not enough. How she maintains that petite little figure, I do not know.

After eating we went to the music room as usual and began playtime. Unlike the previous days, however, Chloe was fussy and cranky and just plain testy. Maybe she was tired or maybe gassy, or tired and gassy??? Either way, Mee and I spent the next two hours trying to figure out the riddles of a one year old. It is amazing how expressive her little face is. She’s already quite capable of letting us know she’s not amused.

After two hours of cranky baby it was time to return her to C-block. I know it’s a bit selfish but, would it be so difficult for her to act a bit sad when she is being returned? Instead, Chloe became brighter and more cheery with every step closer to the baby room. When she was back in her caregiver’s arms, she was all smiles and ready to get down with her friends. I’m on to her game.

In addition to baby maladies, I managed to make an international faux pas in a very domestic way. Today is “International Woman’s Day” here in Kazakhstan. If you didn’t do anything for the holiday you will at least have the excuse that you did not know of such a holiday. I, on the other hand, have had repeated reminders to prepare a little gift for the women who care for Chloe. A man smarter man than myself might say “My wife is a woman, wouldn’t it be nice if I got her a little sweet, maybe some flowers? Yes, that would be nice.” I on the other hand, am not smart. The husband of the couple we are staying with (Ali, a very sweet guy, and smarter than me) totally schooled me when he showed up with some flowers and chocolate for his little lady. I seem to be the only schmuck who didn’t get his wife something. SOR-ee! (Russian for “I’m a moron.”)


Blogger Grandma K said...

Never forget your wife's birthday, your wedding anniversary, or any other day Hallmark has a card for.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Sara Libbey said...

One thing about 1 yr olds, they love routine. You guys are breaking her old routine and making new ones. Don't take it personally. Not yet anyway.

Also have you everhad a toothache? I bet Chloe is having one or more I've noticed the front teeth. Those are the sharper ones. She may have the flatter less easy to cut teeth coming in. You'd be cranky too. That also explains the doolin' a river stuff and wanting to put all she can into her mouth. Although they do explore textures with their mouths too.

Well School is out for the time. And I am in no way an expert. Even having two of my own...."I KNOW NOTHING!!!!!"


10:12 AM  

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