Forces of Nature

We set out, fingers crossed, and at 2/3 into the trip (the trip is about an hour at breakneck speed under average conditions), we reached a police barricade. A bunch of trucks and cars had been pulled over and were waiting to be allowed to continue their journey. Luckily we got through after only a few minutes, but our interpreter warned us that we might not be allowed to pass on our return for the night. Last year, she said that there was a very bad storm and she and a previous adopting couple and the driver were forced to stay in the car on the side of the road next to the police station overnight. That sounded pretty awful but Mee and I had nothing but Chloe on the brain after that hurdle was cleared.
OK, now we were moving forward again, great! I’m looking forward to seeing my girl and hoping she would still like me, and all that good stuff. The thing to remember here is that we are moving forward yes, but it is almost impossible to see exactly where we’re going. Our driver, Nursultan, pressed his nose against the windshield and pushed forward at what must be an irresponsible speed considering the zero visibility (really! ZERO!). My feelings were torn between “hurry up and get us to our baby” and “make sure we get to our baby alive.”
We cruised along in the whiteout conditions until we made a left. I’m not sure why we made that left but we did. Now, even though we have made this trip a few times, both Mee and I were not 100% certain that this was our turn. The “road” was marked by a trail of wandering reindeer that must have turned down this same path and lost hope of ever being found alive again, and eaten each other (look for my made for TV movie on the subject). Anyway, we made it about 200 yards when Nursultan realized we had made a wrong turn. Then he stopped. Why did he stop there? Oh, I see, this is a learning experience. We’re going to learn how to push a car out of a ditch Kazak style. Great! Mee, Marina the translator (in her high-heeled boots and fur coat), and I pushed while Nursultan revved and revved the engine. Good thing we’re stronger than we look. Also, the car is little.
We finally got turned around and back on the road. When we did finally make the left turn we were supposed to, the road was fine and there were no reindeer carcasses to be found.

Trip back was nearly the same, except instead of getting stuck in a ditch we waited at the police check point for nearly an hour. That was time enough for the fierce, tundra-like winds to turn the car into a mobile igloo, frozen on the outside and moist on the inside. Nummy!
Last thing, we walk into the cottage to find that the power is out. It is about to get dark so we scramble to get candles and flashlights ready as well as cook anything that might spoil. As dinner by flashlight is about to be served the power came back on. Thank God (and his forces of nature).
The first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, I look for more adventures of your family.
After you succeed in this trip through life, you will be a wiz at potty training.
If you
Hey where are the neighbors when you need them? You know the ones in their 60's and 70's who like to shovel.
Just when you think you are in with them.
way to go you guys! keep braving the weather and dinners by flashlight...endless stories for your daughter when she's old enough to understand!
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