Today we have some final errands to run including one big one. Take our precious boys to Milwaukee to stay with my sister for four weeks. I'm pretty sure they are going to make themselves at home, especially Porkchop (the blue eyed one) who tends to dominate all social situations. I'm more worried about Mee and I and our ability to get on without them.
We will make it up to them by bringing home a sweet lil, tail pull'n, dress putt'n on, attention and affection stealing princess. Kitties beware!
I just want to say that the babies are doing fine.
Just think of it as that we are breaking them in for you. They will be well adjusted to "tail pullin'" and wet, sticky kisses that leaves almost as much fur on the giver as is left on the cat.
All is quiet on the Feline front here. A good sign.
Love you much and I give the boys a kiss for you tonight.>^^<
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