Last night Mee and I had our first full visit with Chloe (two hours). At first it looked like it would be an extension of the first visit (the night before) when Chloe essentially gave the impression that she thought I was a creepy man and wanted very little to do with me. One good thing to come from having a creepy man in the room is that she turns to Mee for safety and security. Said another way, I am facilitating the bond between mother and daughter. But after about thirty minutes she began to warm to me and at one point, when I put out my arms she came to me. Then I was done, caput, finished, and completely wrapped around her tiny finger.
Around the second half of the visit she even began to laugh and smile a bit. It is incredible how smiling and laughing changes her face completely. I am looking forward to creating a world for her where she mostly smiles and is rarely sad.

Mee and I are starting to get on schedule as far as when day is and when night is. We are getting used to the food and even starting to explore the local markets. It is pretty tough in this city–no one speaks English. And when you begin to mispronounce the little bit of Russian you memorized to ask for a loaf of bread they start rattling away in Russian as if they said a whole bunch of words real fast, we would be more likely to understand some of them. We don’t. We just kind of shake our heads and keep saying “da (yes)” and “spat-see-ba (thank you)” over and over. I’m pretty sure we got a great deal on our goat though. It was owned by a little old lady who only milked it on Sunday’s.
Are you outside with Chloe? If I am reading the weather correctly, it is not much different there than here but we just started our predicted 3-5 inches of white stuff.
So, you now have an almost new goat? Don't let them sell you any a cow when you ask for milk.
I love the new pics! That is from what I can see though the happy tears. You guys are Great!!!! Who couldn't warm up to you two? In fact I was hoping you could take me in too. That way I won't be so far away from Chloe. Sounds like a plan to me.
I am sure this is in your book of phrases but Bob says try "ya nee gah-vor-you (fast and roll those "r's") poe Rooskie" (phonetic) I don't speek Russian.
Pashalsta will one up the Spa-see-ba. Just add it where needed. To get the best deal on your next livestock purchase.
More Pics Please!!!!
I love the Hat!
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