Parenting 101

I’m beginning to think this parenting thing is pretty easy. I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. You play with your baby for a couple of hours and then when she starts to get cranky, hand her off to the help. Seriously, we are anxious to be responsible for her for more than just two hours a day. It’ll be easy right? Up ‘til now we haven’t even done as much as a baby sitter would do. We sit with her for a couple of hours each day and play and that is about it. I suppose we should count our blessings, in a couple of weeks she will be all ours and our first experience with her will be that of 24 hours of air travel back to states. How does it work on the plane? Do the flight attendants take her? Do the other passengers help? Maybe the pilot will change her poopy diaper? They’ll have more room in the cock pit, won’t they?

I am so very amazed with how fast children grow. I have read somewhere that children go thru growth spurts especially when they feel safe and loved. This shows in your pictures.
You guys are doing and will continue to great in your new employment!
Besides you will have lots of resources to beckon at your every call. I imagine you may not have to call much. One because you will be fine flying solo and two because we won't leave you alone.
Thanks for the advice sis, we will stop with the safety and love treatments so that she stays nice and little. Except I don't know how we are going to stop, she's already got us wrapped up around her chubby little finger.
Hugs, sqeezes, kisses for Chloe and a Tylanol for Mee.
That was supposed to be "squeezes". I can't find the spellcheck.
I'm hoping that you are feeling a lot better, Mee. Now, Zac, more pictures, please.
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