Today we got a second in a life-time chance (we’ve done this once before) to feed the lil monster. As has been stated before, she loves to eat. Thing is, we don’t really know exactly how to feed her. See, it’s not like how you feed one year-old babies in the states. For instance, her meal consists of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and some soup—all mixed together in a dish. Then she finishes off with some juice made from dried fruits, sort of like a tea. The meat and potatoes come from a full sized spoon and the juice tea comes from a coffee cup. No bottles, no sippy cups, no straws; this girl’s dinner looks more like the blue plate special at a truck stop. Anyway, when we feed her, food tends to run all over the place and when the caregivers feed her, it tends to run straight into her belly (and sometimes straight back out but never mind that).

After dinner we had our usual playtime, which as usual went very well. I think we only have two or three more visits before departing. I try to not think about that too much. It’s breaking my heart just writing this.
This just sounds so great! I absolutely adore your smiles. All you!
I think it is funny about the feeding stuff. I will have a steak waiting for the princess.
You will have much to accomplish in the two weeks you will be home. I will be here to help with all the running if you need me.
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