“C-dawg” seems to be having no trouble adjusting to life with full-time parents. I realized that today might have been the first time in her life that she saw the same faces when she fell asleep as she did when she woke up. At the baby house, they almost certainly had different staff for morning and evening shifts. We also got to do all of her feeding and we even gave the little stinker a bath. She loved it!

I walked over to the cottage today (about a mile) and noticed a couple of interesting things about Kokshetau. Some of the buildings here seem to have been in a state of construction the entire month of March with little sign of progress. Yet somehow in the last two weeks they managed to raze an entire block that housed many of the flower shop businesses. Also, one of the shops we bought most of our souvenirs from at the Tsum Store is now gone, replaced with completely different stores and different store-fronts. I’m sure that if we return when Chloe is older, the entire cityscape will have changed completely. Bizarre!
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